The Sharpe Family Grounds

I chose to create and design a book about some of my family history. My great grandfather began collecting information about his family lineage and history. With all of the materials he gathered, he wrote two books that pieced it all together.

The books that my great grandfather had published were of interest to more people than just family. They included some of the history of the area and other relevant information that tied in with his family and the area and how they were connected. The books are actually in the Alabama Special Collections section of the Auburn University Library.

After having read and looked through his book, I wanted to do something similar while still growing on what he had already done. I wanted to design a book that would focus more on an overall simplified collection of family history and the land that has been passed down for generations that my grandmother still owns. I wanted this book to include a well-organized family tree of some sort to show the lineage as well as showcase what all the land has been used for and its transformation over the time that is has been in our family.

While working on this book design, I was able to share the experience with my grandparents and spend time listening to all of the stories they had to share which made it that much more enjoyable. We sifted through collections of scrapbooks and family history that had just been sitting around. This book has also provided for a way to preserve all of that and keep it together.

I wanted to make this book not only to learn more about my family history, but also to be able to share what I learned with the rest of my family in a way that was lasting and could be continued to be passed down.